Saturday 19 November 2011

Serial Communications Using Processing (Thermistor Part 2)

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Purpose of the Project:
The purpose of this weeks project was to start applying Processing to our class. We had made a thermometer last week and Processing allowed us to do so much more with the same project. It got the ball rolling for projects in the future, like the green house and is getting us accustomed to visual programming.

We used the Arduino sketch to convert the raw input data to Celsius. The Processing sketch changes that data reading so that it is no longer numbers in the Arduino serial monitor but a fully functional graph. The Fritzing image helps us organize our breadboard setup so we fully understand what is going on with the hardware side of the project.

Parts List:

Basic list:
10k ohm Potentiometer 

Click the different browser icons to go to different reference sites

       Helpful  Processing Book
                     Location of origional sketch
Useful Processing site

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